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We're Saving A Seat For You

Be Our Guest 
Sunday's at 10:00 am
61 East Main St. Trimont, MN

Sunday School 9:00 am 
Worship Service at 10:00 am

Love Jesus. Love People Serve Others.

We study together. 

We pray together. 

We worship together. 

We eat together. 

We serve together. 

We care for each other.

Birthday Games

Come do life with us.  Depending on your schedule we have a variety of ways to get plugged in - from adult Sunday School classes, Women's Bibles Studies, Men's Group on Saturday's, Worship team.  At TriCov, church isn't just something we do Sunday mornings, its a weeklong community of friends growing, serving and supporting each other while growing deeper in their faith and friendships.  God didn't call us to do life alone and we'd love to call you part of our family. 


Kids. They're kind of our thing. We've got Sunday School classes on Sunday mornings, Nursery available during the worship service and a special mom's room for those brand new babies.  On Wednesday nights the whole community gets together for AWANA at TriCoV.  We've got VBS, Bible Camp, Block Parties....I could keep going but I think you get the idea. Bring your kids!  

Are you a mama to young kids? We've got a special Mom's Group just for you that meets twice a month! Come make some new friends in a setting less awkward than the park, plus childcare is provided, so you can have a conversation!


Got a teen? We'll pray for you! 

Just kidding.  Come meet Jill, she's amazing -like the adult your teen will want to actually talk to. Best part, her heart is all about Jesus and youth. It's truly her calling and she rocks it as our youth director. She leads Sunday School classes, Wednesday night youth group, Mission Trips. She's legit. Plus we've got a youth worship team, so if your teen can string a guitar send them our way!

Why We Love TriCov

I love Trimont Covenant because they are my family.  It is a place where I feel loved, cared for and encouraged!  There are a couple of statements that don't get used often, but I appreciate that they are there - "How goes your walk with God" and "Where is it written".  We are a people of the Book!  "To feel a part you have to be a part!" - come join us!

Liza M.

I love the people, we make plenty of mistakes and fall often but we try to help each other and encourage each other to keep walking towards the final goal of heaven with our perfect Jesus.

Robin C. 

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